Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lost On The Evolutionary Border

I really wanted to leave a tribute to Charles Darwin on his birthday in February. I could just never fight my way all the way through the damn thing. It was like the nerve block they now use in some surgery that keeps every feeling dead on the downstream side of the block. I couldn't finish it and I couldn't write anything else.

The idea I had was that dying daily newspapers were a demonstration of Charlie's principle of survival of the fittest. If you don't adapt to your environment, you die. Daily newspapers are dying, ergo, they did not adapt. Between Charlie's birthday and this date, our own loved and eclectic Seattle Post-Intelligencer died. It is more than ironic that its final issue sold out and went into reprint. Not enough people wanted it until it was dead.

Smarter people than me have talked (and still are, and will into the unforeseeable future) about why these formerly strong enterprises are a disappearing medium. I don't want to talk about business models today, or consolidation, corporatism, bowling alone, N2, media 3.0, journalistic arrogance or communication theory period.

I'm posting this and moving on.