The Times suggested toward the end of their article that Absaroka may just have been a tall tail so we may have to reassign this to our Tall Tales, Damn Lies sister blog.
But on the other hand we might just dig into this a bit when I return from doing some more border walking. One thing I appreciated was that both StrangeMaps and the NYTs added the pronunciation guide: "ab-SOR-ka."
As someone who grew up in the West with its own pronunciation for words drafted from French and Native American languages I am still smarting from some flatlander I met on the trail in the Tetons. He asked where we had been and I said we just summited Nez Pierce, pronounced without the French overtones as spoken by tribal members where I grew up.
"Oh," he said, "you mean Nay Peer Say."
Well, I didn't mean that at all but he was obviously sincere.