Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Snake John ferrets caught in survey

Did receive an email from biologist Brian Maxfield apologizing for missing our connection in the ferret roundup, which I thought I would just share. I was unable to connect Thursday or Friday because I was away from a cell phone so Brian and I are still playing phone tag.

Kris - I am sorry that I never touched base with you. The entire week before the ferret surveys I was in the High Uintas Wilderness area doing pika surveys. I was not able to check my phone until Monday morning. We did conduct the ferret surveys for the entire week. We only surveyed the Snake John Reef area for two nights then moved on to Coyote Basin. The only ferrets we captured were wild-born ferrets so they were not included in the plague-vaccine field trials. We did not actually catch any ferrets in Snake John but we did observe several.

This week the best time to call me would be Thursday or Friday. I will be setting trap lines for flying-squirrels in the mornings and evenings and will be in areas of questionable cell coverage so don't try during this time. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I will be flying during the late-morning through afternoon for mountain goats. As you can tell, this is a very busy time of the year for me. Again, I apologize for not talking with you.

Sensitive Species Biologist
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources